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Launch Your Restaurant Into the 21st Century With Commercial Automation

Integrate Technology to Appeal to Modern Clientele

Launch Your Restaurant Into the 21st Century With Commercial Automation

Did you know that 61 percent of restaurant customers look for a Wi-Fi connection when they dine out, according to data from Tweakyourbiz.com? Moreover, 27 percent visit restaurants with more frequency when they offer wireless internet access. That means, if you’re running an eatery in the 21st century, you’re going to need to provide your customer base with secure technology solutions. In this blog, we’ll show you how Wi-Fi access and other commercial automation solutions can attract more patrons to your Manchester, New Hampshire restaurant.

See Also:  Boost Business with a Commercial Automation System

Integrating Wi-Fi

With so many customers carrying smartphones today, they’re looking for places they can go to get faster, secure internet access.  That means more than just setting up a wireless router in the back office – commercial Wi-Fi hotspots need to take into consideration the privacy of all users. Integrating a system that allows each customer an isolated network space will ensure that they can’t see what’s on their neighbor’s phone. You can also set up a custom portal page in which users agree to your terms and conditions, which also offers the opportunity to display custom ads as well.

Plus, once Wi-Fi is integrated into your restaurant, there’s no reason your staff can’t take advantage of it to help streamline service. Implement a secure private network to give your employees internet access, so they can take orders on dedicated tablets and run payment directly at the table. That will ensure greater convenience for your customers.

Digital Signage

Once you have your Wi-Fi in place, you’ll need to begin attracting new foot traffic to your location. There are few better ways to do that than with sleek, dynamic and customizable digital signage. Unlike traditional static signs – made from vinyl or paper – digital signs can help you get your message out in front of potential customers while also helping you save money.

In the past, developing signage was among the most expensive processes in owning a commercial business. Not only would you have to employ a skilled graphic designer, but you would then have to send the design to a printer, which could be tremendously expensive. The results were signs that would stay up for months or years, fading into the background of the consumers’ consciousness.

Today, however, graphics programs like Photoshop put most of the necessary design tools directly on your Mac or PC. And once you have a perfect-looking promotion, you can easily upload it onto your digital sign display. It’s now possible to run multiple ads during a day, highlighting different features depending on the hour. One of the coolest trends in sports bars and eateries is real-time price-drops in drinks and small plates depending on what’s popular that night.

Are you ready to step into the modern age with commercial automation solutions? Contact us today!